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About me

I'm passionate about photography, visual arts, technology, movies, architecture and everything in the design field. I love to travel and see different things everyday to exercise my creativity.

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I've been working in the creative and tech industry for 10 years and I've had the opportunity to be on teams engaged in making interesting products with amazing experiences.

Complementary to my experience as a Designer, I also worked at the intersection between systems, businesses, and products, whose biggest challenge was working on a full-stack development scale, helping the systems team with solution architecture, in addition to intersecting with business rules and also looking at the usability and customer experiences.


Think. This is 90% of the job.

Ask. Discover the things I don’t know.

Get inspired. Create something new.

Collaborate. Big things can’t be done alone.

Create. Don’t fall in love with your creation. 


Web Design

Creating digital interfaces such as website layout and web applications

UX/CX Design

Think and design every aspect of user interaction and the full product experience from start to finish.

Social Media

Production of visual content for different types of social media

Product Design

I develop and evolve products (physical or digital) participating in their entire process or even solving a problem, using methodologies, approaches and techniques.


Individualized follow-up of your career or business, identifying and correcting problems related to design and products

Design Ops

Planning, defining and managing the design process, ensuring that the team is able to scale deliveries, working with high efficiency, low friction, and generating high quality design artifacts.

Clients | Companies

What guides my professional life is that in addition to creating products with a good and sexy design, I have a great concern with accessibility, usability, listening to users' needs, and doing Product Discovery, with research, interviews, and tests with users and analysis of data and metrics to create insights, incorporating user feedback into decision making and, finally, creating prototypes to translate the usability of flows into navigable interfaces.


Auto: Volkswagen, Ford,Toyota, Chevrolet

Infraestructure + Banks:

Petrobrás, Votorantim, Saint Gobain, Enel, Claro, Oi, Itaú, Bradesco

Mobility: Bike Itaú, Velloo, Tembici

Others: Netflix, Nestlè. Lòréal, Sansung


Genial Investiments, 2020 ...

Itaú Unibanco, 2019 - 2020

ERQ Design (XP), 2018 - 2020

Terlizzi Consultancy, 2014 - 2018


Infraest. Ministry, 2014 - 2015 

DEA, 2015 - 2016

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